Source code for ampal.pseudo_atoms

"""Contains AMPAL objects representing pseudo atoms."""

from collections import OrderedDict

from .base_ampal import Atom, Monomer, Polymer, write_pdb
from .geometry import distance, radius_of_circumcircle

[docs]class PseudoGroup(Polymer): """Container for `PseudoMonomer`, inherits from `Polymer`. Parameters ---------- monomers : PseudoAtom or [PseudoGroup], optional `PseudoMonomer` or list containing `PseudoMonomer` objects to form the `PseudoGroup`. polymer_id : str, optional An ID that the user can use to identify the `PseudoGroup`. This is used when generating a pdb file using `PseudoGroup().pdb`. parent : ampal.Assembly, optional Reference to `Assembly` containing the `PseudoGroup`. sl : int, optional The default smoothing level used when calculating the backbone primitive. Attributes ---------- id : str `PseudoGroup` ID parent : ampal.Assembly or None Reference to `Assembly` containing the `PseudoGroup` molecule_type : str A description of the type of `Polymer` i.e. Protein, DNA etc. ligands : ampal.LigandGroup A `LigandGroup` containing all the `Ligands` associated with this `PseudoGroup` chain. tags : dict A dictionary containing information about this AMPAL object. The tags dictionary is used by AMPAL to cache information about this object, but is also intended to be used by users to store any relevant information they have. sl : int The default smoothing level used when calculating the backbone primitive. Raises ------ TypeError `Polymer` type objects can only be initialised empty or using a `Monomer`. """ def __init__(self, monomers=None, polymer_id=" ", parent=None, sl=2): super().__init__( monomers=monomers, polymer_id=polymer_id, molecule_type="pseudo_group", parent=parent, sl=sl, ) def __repr__(self): return "<PseudoGroup chain containing {} {}>".format( len(self._monomers), "PseudoMonomer" if len(self._monomers) == 1 else "PseudoMonomers", )
[docs]class PseudoMonomer(Monomer): """Represents a collection of `PsuedoAtoms`. Parameters ---------- pseudo_atoms : OrderedDict, optional OrderedDict containing Atoms for the `PsuedoMonomer`. OrderedDict is used to maintain the order items were added to the dictionary. mol_code : str, optional One or three letter code that represents the `PsuedoMonomer`. monomer_id : str, optional String used to identify the `PsuedoMonomer`. insertion_code : str, optional Insertion code of `PsuedoMonomer`, used if reading from pdb. is_hetero : bool, optional True if is a hetero atom in pdb. Helps with PDB formatting. parent : ampal.PseudoGroup, optional Reference to `PseudoGroup` containing the `PsuedoMonomer`. Attributes ---------- mol_code : str PDB molecule code that represents the `Nucleotide`. insertion_code : str Insertion code of `Nucleotide`, used if reading from pdb. is_hetero : bool True if is a hetero atom in pdb. Helps with PDB formatting. states : dict Contains an `OrderedDicts` containing atom information for each state available for the `Nucleotide`. id : str String used to identify the `Nucleotide`. reference_atom : str The key that corresponds to the reference `Atom`. This is used by various functions, for example backbone primitives are calculated using the `Atom` defined using this key. parent : Polynucleotide or None A reference to the `Polynucleotide` containing this `Nucleotide`. tags : dict A dictionary containing information about this AMPAL object. The tags dictionary is used by AMPAL to cache information about this object, but is also intended to be used by users to store any relevant information they have. Raises ------ ValueError Raised if `mol_code` is not length 1 or 3. """ def __init__( self, pseudo_atoms=None, mol_code="UNK", monomer_id=" ", insertion_code=" ", parent=None, ): super(PseudoMonomer, self).__init__( atoms=pseudo_atoms, monomer_id=monomer_id, parent=parent ) self.mol_code = mol_code self.insertion_code = insertion_code self.is_hetero = True def __repr__(self): return "<PseudoMonomer containing {} {}. PseudoMonomer code: {}>".format( len(self.atoms), "PseudoAtom" if len(self.atoms) == 1 else "PseudoAtoms", self.mol_code, ) @property def pdb(self): """Generates a PDB string for the `PseudoMonomer`.""" pdb_str = write_pdb( [self], " " if not self.tags["chain_id"] else self.tags["chain_id"] ) return pdb_str
[docs]class PseudoAtom(Atom): """Object containing 3D coordinates and name. Notes ----- Used to represent pseudo atoms (e.g. centre_of_mass) in ISAMBARD. Parameters ---------- coordinates : 3D Vector (tuple, list, numpy.array) Position of `PseudoAtom` in 3D space. element : str Element of `PseudoAtom`. atom_id : str Identifier for `PseudoAtom`, usually a number. res_label : str, optional Label used in `Monomer` to refer to the `PseudoAtom` type i.e. "CA" or "OD1". occupancy : float, optional The occupancy of the `PseudoAtom`. bfactor : float, optional The bfactor of the `PseudoAtom`. charge : str, optional The point charge of the `PseudoAtom`. state : str The state of this `PseudoAtom`. Used to identify `PseudoAtoms` with a number of conformations. parent : ampal.Monomer, optional A reference to the `Monomer` containing this `PseudoAtom`. Attributes ---------- id : str Identifier for `PseudoAtom`, usually a number. res_label : str Label used in `PseudoGroup` to refer to the `Atom` type i.e. "CA" or "OD1". element : str Element of `Atom`. parent : ampal.PseudoAtom A reference to the `PseudoGroup` containing this `PseudoAtom`. number of conformations. tags : dict A dictionary containing information about this AMPAL object. The tags dictionary is used by AMPAL to cache information about this object, but is also intended to be used by users to store any relevant information they have. """ def __init__( self, coordinates, name="", occupancy=1.0, bfactor=1.0, charge=" ", parent=None ): super().__init__( coordinates, element="C", atom_id=" ", occupancy=occupancy, bfactor=bfactor, charge=charge, state="A", parent=parent, ) = name def __repr__(self): return ( "<PseudoAtom. Name: {}. Coordinates: " "({:.3f}, {:.3f}, {:.3f})>".format(, self.x, self.y, self.z) )
[docs]class Primitive(PseudoGroup): """A backbone path composed of `PseudoAtoms`. Parameters ---------- pseudo_atoms : OrderedDict, optional OrderedDict containing Atoms for the `PsuedoMonomer`. OrderedDict is used to maintain the order items were added to the dictionary. mol_code : str, optional One or three letter code that represents the `PsuedoMonomer`. monomer_id : str, optional String used to identify the `PsuedoMonomer`. insertion_code : str, optional Insertion code of `PsuedoMonomer`, used if reading from pdb. is_hetero : bool, optional True if is a hetero atom in pdb. Helps with PDB formatting. parent : ampal.PseudoGroup, optional Reference to `PseudoGroup` containing the `PsuedoMonomer`. Attributes ---------- mol_code : str PDB molecule code that represents the `Nucleotide`. insertion_code : str Insertion code of `Nucleotide`, used if reading from pdb. is_hetero : bool True if is a hetero atom in pdb. Helps with PDB formatting. states : dict Contains an `OrderedDicts` containing atom information for each state available for the `Nucleotide`. id : str String used to identify the `Nucleotide`. reference_atom : str The key that corresponds to the reference `Atom`. This is used by various functions, for example backbone primitives are calculated using the `Atom` defined using this key. parent : Polynucleotide or None A reference to the `Polynucleotide` containing this `Nucleotide`. tags : dict A dictionary containing information about this AMPAL object. The tags dictionary is used by AMPAL to cache information about this object, but is also intended to be used by users to store any relevant information they have. Raises ------ ValueError Raised if `mol_code` is not length 1 or 3. """ def __init__(self, monomers=None, polymer_id=" ", parent=None, sl=2): super().__init__(monomers=monomers, polymer_id=polymer_id, parent=parent, sl=sl) def __repr__(self): return "<Primitive chain containing {} {}>".format( len(self._monomers), "PseudoMonomer" if len(self._monomers) == 1 else "PseudoMonomers", )
[docs] @classmethod def from_coordinates(cls, coordinates): """Creates a `Primitive` from a list of coordinates.""" prim = cls() for coord in coordinates: pm = PseudoMonomer(parent=prim) pa = PseudoAtom(coord, parent=pm) pm.atoms = OrderedDict([("CA", pa)]) prim.append(pm) prim.relabel_all() return prim
@property def coordinates(self): """Returns the backbone coordinates for the `Primitive`.""" return [x._vector for x in self.get_atoms()]
[docs] def rise_per_residue(self): """The rise per residue at each point on the Primitive. Notes ----- Each element of the returned list is the rise per residue, at a point on the Primitive. Element i is the distance between primitive[i] and primitive[i + 1]. The final value is None. """ rprs = [ distance(self[i]["CA"], self[i + 1]["CA"]) for i in range(len(self) - 1) ] rprs.append(None) return rprs
[docs] def radii_of_curvature(self): """The radius of curvature at each point on the Polymer primitive. Notes ----- Each element of the returned list is the radius of curvature, at a point on the Polymer primitive. Element i is the radius of the circumcircle formed from indices [i-1, i, i+1] of the primitve. The first and final values are None. """ rocs = [] for i, _ in enumerate(self._monomers): if 0 < i < len(self) - 1: rocs.append( radius_of_circumcircle( self[i - 1]["CA"], self[i]["CA"], self[i + 1]["CA"] ) ) else: rocs.append(None) return rocs
__author__ = "Jack W. Heal"