Source code for ampal.dssp

"""This module provides an interface to the program DSSP.

For more information on DSSP see [4]_.

.. [4] Kabsch W, Sander C (1983) "Dictionary of protein
   secondary structure: pattern recognition of hydrogen-bonded
   and geometrical features", Biopolymers, 22, 2577-637.

import subprocess
import tempfile

from .assembly import Assembly

[docs]def dssp_available(): """True if mkdssp is available on the path.""" available = False try: subprocess.check_output(["mkdssp"], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: available = True except FileNotFoundError: print( "DSSP has not been found on your path. If you have already " "installed DSSP but are unsure how to add it to your path, " "check out this:" ) return available
[docs]def run_dssp(pdb, path=True): """Uses DSSP to find helices and extracts helices from a pdb file or string. Parameters ---------- pdb : str Path to pdb file or string. path : bool, optional Indicates if pdb is a path or a string. Returns ------- dssp_out : str Std out from DSSP. """ if not path: if isinstance(pdb, str): pdb = pdb.encode() with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp_pdb: temp_pdb.write(pdb) dssp_out = subprocess.check_output(["mkdssp",]) else: dssp_out = subprocess.check_output(["mkdssp", pdb]) dssp_out = dssp_out.decode() return dssp_out
[docs]def extract_all_ss_dssp(in_dssp, path=True): """Uses DSSP to extract secondary structure information on every residue. Parameters ---------- in_dssp : str Path to DSSP file. path : bool, optional Indicates if pdb is a path or a string. Returns ------- dssp_residues : [tuple] Each internal list contains: [0] int Residue number [1] str Secondary structure type [2] str Chain identifier [3] str Residue type [4] float Phi torsion angle [5] float Psi torsion angle [6] int dssp solvent accessibility """ if path: with open(in_dssp, "r") as inf: dssp_out = else: dssp_out = in_dssp[:] dssp_residues = [] active = False for line in dssp_out.splitlines(): if active: try: res_num = int(line[5:10].strip()) chain = line[10:12].strip() residue = line[13] ss_type = line[16] phi = float(line[103:109].strip()) psi = float(line[109:116].strip()) acc = int(line[35:38].strip()) dssp_residues.append((res_num, ss_type, chain, residue, phi, psi, acc)) except ValueError: pass else: if line[2] == "#": active = True return dssp_residues
[docs]def find_ss_regions(dssp_residues, loop_assignments=(" ", "B", "S", "T")): """Separates parsed DSSP data into groups of secondary structure. Notes ----- Example: all residues in a single helix/loop/strand will be gathered into a list, then the next secondary structure element will be gathered into a separate list, and so on. Parameters ---------- dssp_residues : [tuple] Each internal list contains: [0] int Residue number [1] str Secondary structure type [2] str Chain identifier [3] str Residue type [4] float Phi torsion angle [5] float Psi torsion angle [6] int dssp solvent accessibility Returns ------- fragments : [[list]] Lists grouped in continuous regions of secondary structure. Innermost list has the same format as above. """ loops = loop_assignments previous_ele = None fragment = [] fragments = [] for ele in dssp_residues: if previous_ele is None: fragment.append(ele) elif ele[2] != previous_ele[2]: fragments.append(fragment) fragment = [ele] elif previous_ele[1] in loops: if ele[1] in loops: fragment.append(ele) else: fragments.append(fragment) fragment = [ele] else: if ele[1] == previous_ele[1]: fragment.append(ele) else: fragments.append(fragment) fragment = [ele] previous_ele = ele fragments.append(fragment) return fragments
[docs]def tag_dssp_data(assembly, loop_assignments=(" ", "B", "S", "T")): """Adds output data from DSSP to an Assembly. A dictionary will be added to the `tags` dictionary of each residue called `dssp_data`, which contains the secondary structure definition, solvent accessibility phi and psi values from DSSP. A list of regions of continuous secondary assignments will also be added to each `Polypeptide`. The tags are added in place, so nothing is returned from this function. Parameters ---------- assembly : ampal.Assembly An Assembly containing some protein. loop_assignments : tuple or list A tuple containing the DSSP secondary structure identifiers to that are classed as loop regions. """ dssp_out = run_dssp(assembly.pdb, path=False) dssp_data = extract_all_ss_dssp(dssp_out, path=False) for record in dssp_data: rnum, sstype, chid, _, phi, psi, sacc = record assembly[chid][str(rnum)].tags["dssp_data"] = { "ss_definition": sstype, "solvent_accessibility": sacc, "phi": phi, "psi": psi, } ss_regions = find_ss_regions(dssp_data, loop_assignments) for region in ss_regions: chain = region[0][2] ss_type = " " if region[0][1] in loop_assignments else region[0][1] first_residue = str(region[0][0]) last_residue = str(region[-1][0]) if not "ss_regions" in assembly[chain].tags: assembly[chain].tags["ss_regions"] = [] assembly[chain].tags["ss_regions"].append( (first_residue, last_residue, ss_type) ) return
[docs]def get_ss_regions(assembly, ss_types): """Returns an Assembly containing Polymers for each region of structure. Parameters ---------- assembly : ampal.Assembly `Assembly` object to be searched secondary structure regions. ss_types : list List of secondary structure tags to be separate i.e. ['H'] would return helices, ['H', 'E'] would return helices and strands. Returns ------- fragments : Assembly `Assembly` containing a `Polymer` for each region of specified secondary structure. """ if not any(map(lambda x: "ss_regions" in x.tags, assembly)): raise ValueError( "This assembly does not have any tagged secondary structure " "regions. Use `ampal.dssp.tag_dssp_data` to add the tags." ) fragments = Assembly() for polypeptide in assembly: if "ss_regions" in polypeptide.tags: for start, end, ss_type in polypeptide.tags["ss_regions"]: if ss_type in ss_types: fragment = polypeptide.get_slice_from_res_id(start, end) fragments.append(fragment) if not fragments: raise ValueError( "No regions matching that secondary structure type" " have been found. Use standard DSSP labels." ) return fragments
__author__ = "Christopher W. Wood, Gail J. Bartlett"