Source code for ampal.analyse_protein

"""Contains various tools for analysing protein structure."""

from collections import Counter
import typing as t
import warnings

import numpy

from .pseudo_atoms import Primitive
from .geometry import (
from .amino_acids import (
from .ampal_warnings import NoncanonicalWarning

_nc_warning_str = "Unnatural amino acid detected, this value may be inaccurate."

[docs]def sequence_molecular_weight(seq): """Returns the molecular weight of the polypeptide sequence. Notes ----- Units = Daltons Parameters ---------- seq : str Sequence of amino acids. """ if "X" in seq: warnings.warn(_nc_warning_str, NoncanonicalWarning) return sum([residue_mwt[aa] * n for aa, n in Counter(seq).items()]) + water_mass
# TODO How to account for cystine Vs cysteine. # (when there's a disuplhide bond, ext coefficient changes to 125.
[docs]def sequence_molar_extinction_280(seq): """Returns the molar extinction coefficient of the sequence at 280 nm. Notes ----- Units = M/cm Parameters ---------- seq : str Sequence of amino acids. """ if "X" in seq: warnings.warn(_nc_warning_str, NoncanonicalWarning) return sum([residue_ext_280[aa] * n for aa, n in Counter(seq).items()])
[docs]def partial_charge(aa, pH): """Calculates the partial charge of the amino acid. Parameters ---------- aa : str Amino acid single-letter code. pH : float pH of interest. """ difference = pH - residue_pka[aa] if residue_charge[aa] > 0: difference *= -1 ratio = (10**difference) / (1 + 10**difference) return ratio
[docs]def sequence_charge(seq, pH=7.4): """Calculates the total charge of the input polypeptide sequence. Parameters ---------- seq : str Sequence of amino acids. pH : float pH of interest. """ if "X" in seq: warnings.warn(_nc_warning_str, NoncanonicalWarning) adj_protein_charge = sum( [ partial_charge(aa, pH) * residue_charge[aa] * n for aa, n in Counter(seq).items() ] ) adj_protein_charge += partial_charge("N-term", pH) * residue_charge["N-term"] adj_protein_charge += partial_charge("C-term", pH) * residue_charge["C-term"] return adj_protein_charge
[docs]def charge_series(seq, granularity=0.1): """Calculates the charge for pH 1-13. Parameters ---------- seq : str Sequence of amino acids. granularity : float, optional Granularity of pH values i.e. if 0.1 pH = [1.0, 1.1, 1.2...] """ if "X" in seq: warnings.warn(_nc_warning_str, NoncanonicalWarning) ph_range = numpy.arange(1, 13, granularity) charge_at_ph = [sequence_charge(seq, ph) for ph in ph_range] return ph_range, charge_at_ph
[docs]def sequence_isoelectric_point(seq, granularity=0.1): """Calculates the isoelectric point of the sequence for ph 1-13. Parameters ---------- seq : str Sequence of amino acids. granularity : float, optional Granularity of pH values i.e. if 0.1 pH = [1.0, 1.1, 1.2...] """ if "X" in seq: warnings.warn(_nc_warning_str, NoncanonicalWarning) ph_range, charge_at_ph = charge_series(seq, granularity) abs_charge_at_ph = [abs(ch) for ch in charge_at_ph] pi_index = min(enumerate(abs_charge_at_ph), key=lambda x: x[1])[0] return ph_range[pi_index]
[docs]def classify_angle_as_rotamer(angle: float) -> t.Optional[int]: """Classifies a chi angle into a rotamer. Notes ----- This function uses the convention 1:g+ 2:t 3:g- as from 10.1006/jmbi.1993.1170 R L Dunbrack Jr, M Karplus (1993) Backbone-dependent rotamer library for proteins. Application to side-chain prediction. Parameters ---------- angle : float Chi angle to classify. """ if 0 < angle < 120: return 1 # g+ elif -120 < angle < 0: return 3 # g- elif -120 > angle > -180 or 120 < angle < 180: return 2 # t else: print(f"Got angle {angle} which does not between 0 < x < 180 or -180 > x > 0 ") return None
[docs]def measure_sidechain_torsion_angles( residue, verbose=True ) -> t.Tuple[t.List[t.Optional[float]], t.List[t.Optional[int]]]: """Calculates sidechain dihedral angles for a residue Parameters ---------- residue : [ampal.Residue] `Residue` object. verbose : bool, optional If `true`, tells you when a residue does not have any known dihedral angles to measure. Returns ------- chi_angles: [float] Length depends on residue type, in range [-pi, pi] [0] = chi1 [if applicable] [1] = chi2 [if applicable] [2] = chi3 [if applicable] [3] = chi4 [if applicable] rotamers: [int] Rotamer class according to Dunbrack 1993 {1, 2, 3} [0] = chi1 [if applicable] [1] = chi2 [if applicable] [2] = chi3 [if applicable] [3] = chi4 [if applicable] """ chi_angles = [] rotamers = [] aa = residue.mol_code if aa not in side_chain_dihedrals: if verbose: print("Amino acid {} has no known side-chain dihedral".format(aa)) else: for set_atoms in side_chain_dihedrals[aa]: required_for_dihedral = set_atoms[0:4] try: angle = dihedral( residue[required_for_dihedral[0]]._vector, residue[required_for_dihedral[1]]._vector, residue[required_for_dihedral[2]]._vector, residue[required_for_dihedral[3]]._vector, ) chi_angles.append(angle) rot = classify_angle_as_rotamer(angle) rotamers.append(rot) except KeyError as k: print( "{0} atom missing from residue {1} {2} " "- can't assign dihedral".format(k, residue.mol_code, ) chi_angles.append(None) rotamers.append(None) return (chi_angles, rotamers)
[docs]def measure_torsion_angles(residues): """Calculates the dihedral angles for a list of backbone atoms. Parameters ---------- residues : [ampal.Residue] List of `Residue` objects. Returns ------- torsion_angles : (float, float, float) One triple for each residue, containing torsion angles in the range [-pi, pi]. [0] omega [1] phi [2] psi For the first residue, omega and phi are not defined. For the final residue, psi is not defined. Raises ------ ValueError If the number of input residues is less than 2. """ if len(residues) < 2: torsion_angles = [(None, None, None)] * len(residues) else: torsion_angles = [] for i in range(len(residues)): if i == 0: res1 = residues[i] res2 = residues[i + 1] omega = None phi = None try: psi = dihedral( res1["N"]._vector, res1["CA"]._vector, res1["C"]._vector, res2["N"]._vector, ) except KeyError as k: print("{0} atom missing - can't assign psi".format(k)) psi = None torsion_angles.append((omega, phi, psi)) elif i == len(residues) - 1: res1 = residues[i - 1] res2 = residues[i] try: omega = dihedral( res1["CA"]._vector, res1["C"]._vector, res2["N"]._vector, res2["CA"]._vector, ) except KeyError as k: print("{0} atom missing - can't assign omega".format(k)) omega = None try: phi = dihedral( res1["C"]._vector, res2["N"]._vector, res2["CA"]._vector, res2["C"]._vector, ) except KeyError as k: print("{0} atom missing - can't assign phi".format(k)) phi = None psi = None torsion_angles.append((omega, phi, psi)) else: res1 = residues[i - 1] res2 = residues[i] res3 = residues[i + 1] try: omega = dihedral( res1["CA"]._vector, res1["C"]._vector, res2["N"]._vector, res2["CA"]._vector, ) except KeyError as k: print("{0} atom missing - can't assign omega".format(k)) omega = None try: phi = dihedral( res1["C"]._vector, res2["N"]._vector, res2["CA"]._vector, res2["C"]._vector, ) except KeyError as k: print("{0} atom missing - can't assign phi".format(k)) phi = None try: psi = dihedral( res2["N"]._vector, res2["CA"]._vector, res2["C"]._vector, res3["N"]._vector, ) except KeyError as k: print("{0} atom missing - can't assign psi".format(k)) psi = None torsion_angles.append((omega, phi, psi)) return torsion_angles
# TODO: Find a home for this
[docs]def cc_to_local_params(pitch, radius, oligo): """Returns local parameters for an oligomeric assembly. Parameters ---------- pitch : float Pitch of assembly radius : float Radius of assembly oligo : int Oligomeric state of assembly Returns ------- pitchloc : float Local pitch of assembly (between 2 adjacent component helices) rloc : float Local radius of assembly alphaloc : float Local pitch-angle of assembly """ rloc = numpy.sin(numpy.pi / oligo) * radius alpha = numpy.arctan((2 * numpy.pi * radius) / pitch) alphaloc = numpy.cos((numpy.pi / 2) - ((numpy.pi) / oligo)) * alpha pitchloc = (2 * numpy.pi * rloc) / numpy.tan(alphaloc) return pitchloc, rloc, numpy.rad2deg(alphaloc)
[docs]def residues_per_turn(p): """The number of residues per turn at each Monomer in the Polymer. Notes ----- Each element of the returned list is the number of residues per turn, at a point on the Polymer primitive. Calculated using the relative positions of the CA atoms and the primitive of the Polymer. Element i is the calculated from the dihedral angle using the CA atoms of the Monomers with indices [i, i+1] and the corresponding atoms of the primitive. The final value is None. Parameters ---------- p : ampal.Polypeptide `Polypeptide` from which residues per turn will be calculated. Returns ------- rpts : [float] Residue per turn values. """ cas = p.get_reference_coords() prim_cas = p.primitive.coordinates dhs = [ abs(dihedral(cas[i], prim_cas[i], prim_cas[i + 1], cas[i + 1])) for i in range(len(prim_cas) - 1) ] rpts = [360.0 / dh for dh in dhs] rpts.append(None) return rpts
[docs]def polymer_to_reference_axis_distances( p, reference_axis, tag=True, reference_axis_name="ref_axis" ): """Returns distances between the primitive of a Polymer and a reference_axis. Notes ----- Distances are calculated between each point of the Polymer primitive and the corresponding point in reference_axis. In the special case of the helical barrel, if the Polymer is a helix and the reference_axis represents the centre of the barrel, then this function returns the radius of the barrel at each point on the helix primitive. The points of the primitive and the reference_axis are run through in the same order, so take care with the relative orientation of the reference axis when defining it. Parameters ---------- p : ampal.Polymer reference_axis : list(numpy.array or tuple or list) Length of reference_axis must equal length of the Polymer. Each element of reference_axis represents a point in R^3. tag : bool, optional If True, tags the Chain with the reference axis coordinates and each Residue with its distance to the ref axis. Distances are stored at the Residue level, but refer to distances from the CA atom. reference_axis_name : str, optional Used to name the keys in tags at Chain and Residue level. Returns ------- distances : list(float) Distance values between corresponding points on the reference axis and the `Polymer` `Primitive`. Raises ------ ValueError If the Polymer and the reference_axis have unequal length. """ if not len(p) == len(reference_axis): raise ValueError( "The reference axis must contain the same number of points " "as the Polymer primitive." ) prim_cas = p.primitive.coordinates ref_points = reference_axis.coordinates distances = [distance(prim_cas[i], ref_points[i]) for i in range(len(prim_cas))] if tag: p.tags[reference_axis_name] = reference_axis monomer_tag_name = "distance_to_{0}".format(reference_axis_name) for m, d in zip(p._monomers, distances): m.tags[monomer_tag_name] = d return distances
[docs]def crick_angles(p, reference_axis, tag=True, reference_axis_name="ref_axis"): """Returns the Crick angle for each CA atom in the `Polymer`. Notes ----- The final value is in the returned list is `None`, since the angle calculation requires pairs of points on both the primitive and reference_axis. Parameters ---------- p : ampal.Polymer Reference `Polymer`. reference_axis : list(numpy.array or tuple or list) Length of reference_axis must equal length of the Polymer. Each element of reference_axis represents a point in R^3. tag : bool, optional If `True`, tags the `Polymer` with the reference axis coordinates and each Residue with its Crick angle. Crick angles are stored at the Residue level, but are calculated using the CA atom. reference_axis_name : str, optional Used to name the keys in tags at Chain and Residue level. Returns ------- cr_angles : list(float) The crick angles in degrees for each CA atom of the Polymer. Raises ------ ValueError If the Polymer and the reference_axis have unequal length. """ if not len(p) == len(reference_axis): raise ValueError( "The reference axis must contain the same number of points" " as the Polymer primitive." ) prim_cas = p.primitive.coordinates p_cas = p.get_reference_coords() ref_points = reference_axis.coordinates cr_angles = [ dihedral(ref_points[i], prim_cas[i], prim_cas[i + 1], p_cas[i]) for i in range(len(prim_cas) - 1) ] cr_angles.append(None) if tag: p.tags[reference_axis_name] = reference_axis monomer_tag_name = "crick_angle_{0}".format(reference_axis_name) for m, c in zip(p._monomers, cr_angles): m.tags[monomer_tag_name] = c return cr_angles
[docs]def alpha_angles(p, reference_axis, tag=True, reference_axis_name="ref_axis"): """Alpha angle calculated using points on the primitive of helix and axis. Notes ----- The final value is None, since the angle calculation requires pairs of points along the primitive and axis. This is a generalisation of the calculation used to measure the tilt of a helix in a coiled-coil with respect to the central axis of the coiled coil. Parameters ---------- p : ampal.Polymer Reference `Polymer`. reference_axis : list(numpy.array or tuple or list) Length of reference_axis must equal length of the Polymer. Each element of reference_axis represents a point in R^3. tag : bool, optional If `True`, tags the Chain with the reference axis coordinates and each Residue with its alpha angle. Alpha angles are stored at the Residue level, but are calculated using the CA atom. reference_axis_name : str, optional Used to name the keys in tags at Chain and Residue level. Returns ------- alphas : list of float The alpha angle for the Polymer at each point of its primitive, in degrees. Raises ------ ValueError If the Polymer and the reference_axis have unequal length. """ if not len(p) == len(reference_axis): raise ValueError( "The reference axis must contain the same number of points " "as the Polymer primitive." ) prim_cas = p.primitive.coordinates ref_points = reference_axis.coordinates alphas = [ abs(dihedral(ref_points[i + 1], ref_points[i], prim_cas[i], prim_cas[i + 1])) for i in range(len(prim_cas) - 1) ] alphas.append(None) if tag: p.tags[reference_axis_name] = reference_axis monomer_tag_name = "alpha_angle_{0}".format(reference_axis_name) for m, a in zip(p._monomers, alphas): m.tags[monomer_tag_name] = a return alphas
[docs]def polypeptide_vector(p, start_index=0, end_index=-1, unit=True): """Vector along the Chain primitive (default is from N-terminus to C-terminus). Notes ----- `start_index` and `end_index` can be changed to examine smaller sections of the Chain, or reversed to change the direction of the vector. Parameters ---------- p : ampal.Polymer Reference `Polymer`. start_index : int, optional Default is 0 (start at the N-terminus of the Chain) end_index : int, optional Default is -1 (start at the C-terminus of the Chain) unit : bool If True, the vector returned has a magnitude of 1. Returns ------- vector : a numpy.array vector has shape (1, 3) """ if len(p) <= 1: raise ValueError( "Polymer should have length greater than 1. Polymer length = {0}".format( len(p) ) ) try: prim_cas = p.primitive.coordinates direction_vector = prim_cas[end_index] - prim_cas[start_index] except ValueError: direction_vector = p[end_index]["CA"].array - p[start_index]["CA"].array if unit: direction_vector = unit_vector(direction_vector) return direction_vector
# TODO Change functionality so that a Primitive object is returned. # (e.g. all CA ALA atoms like with primitives).
[docs]def reference_axis_from_chains(chains): """Average coordinates from a set of primitives calculated from Chains. Parameters ---------- chains : list(Chain) Returns ------- reference_axis : numpy.array The averaged (x, y, z) coordinates of the primitives for the list of Chains. In the case of a coiled coil barrel, this would give the central axis for calculating e.g. Crick angles. Raises ------ ValueError : If the Chains are not all of the same length. """ if not len(set([len(x) for x in chains])) == 1: raise ValueError("All chains must be of the same length") # First array in coords is the primitive coordinates of the first chain. # The orientation of the first chain orients the reference_axis. coords = [numpy.array(chains[0].primitive.coordinates)] orient_vector = polypeptide_vector(chains[0]) # Append the coordinates for the remaining chains, reversing the # direction in antiparallel arrangements. for c in chains[1:]: if is_acute(polypeptide_vector(c), orient_vector): coords.append(numpy.array(c.primitive.coordinates)) else: coords.append(numpy.flipud(numpy.array(c.primitive.coordinates))) # Average across the x, y and z coordinates to get the reference_axis # coordinates reference_axis = numpy.mean(numpy.array(coords), axis=0) return Primitive.from_coordinates(reference_axis)
[docs]def flip_reference_axis_if_antiparallel(p, reference_axis, start_index=0, end_index=-1): """Flips reference axis if direction opposes the direction of the `Polymer`. Notes ----- If the angle between the vector for the Polymer and the vector for the reference_axis is > 90 degrees, then the reference axis is reversed. This is useful to run before running polymer_to_reference_axis_distances, crick_angles, or alpha_angles. For more information on the start and end indices, see chain_vector. Parameters ---------- p : ampal.Polymer Reference `Polymer`. reference_axis : list(numpy.array or tuple or list) Length of reference_axis must equal length of the Polymer. Each element of reference_axis represents a point in R^3. start_index : int, optional Default is 0 (start at the N-terminus of the Polymer) end_index : int, optional Default is -1 (start at the C-terminus of the Polymer) Returns ------- reference_axis : list(numpy.array or tuple or list) """ p_vector = polypeptide_vector(p, start_index=start_index, end_index=end_index) if is_acute(p_vector, reference_axis[end_index] - reference_axis[start_index]): reference_axis = numpy.flipud(reference_axis) return reference_axis
[docs]def make_primitive(cas_coords, window_length=3): """Calculates running average of cas_coords with a fixed averaging window_length. Parameters ---------- cas_coords : list(numpy.array or float or tuple) Each element of the list must have length 3. window_length : int, optional The number of coordinate sets to average each time. Returns ------- s_primitive : list(numpy.array) Each array has length 3. Raises ------ ValueError If the length of cas_coords is smaller than the window_length. """ if len(cas_coords) >= window_length: primitive = [] count = 0 for _ in cas_coords[: -(window_length - 1)]: group = cas_coords[count : count + window_length] average_x = sum([x[0] for x in group]) / window_length average_y = sum([y[1] for y in group]) / window_length average_z = sum([z[2] for z in group]) / window_length primitive.append(numpy.array([average_x, average_y, average_z])) count += 1 else: raise ValueError( "A primitive cannot be generated for {0} atoms using a (too large) " "averaging window_length of {1}.".format(len(cas_coords), window_length) ) return primitive
[docs]def make_primitive_smoothed(cas_coords, smoothing_level=2): """Generates smoothed primitive from a list of coordinates. Parameters ---------- cas_coords : list(numpy.array or float or tuple) Each element of the list must have length 3. smoothing_level : int, optional Number of times to run the averaging. Returns ------- s_primitive : list(numpy.array) Each array has length 3. Raises ------ ValueError If the smoothing level is too great compared to the length of cas_coords. """ try: s_primitive = make_primitive(cas_coords) for _ in range(smoothing_level): s_primitive = make_primitive(s_primitive) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "Smoothing level {0} too high, try reducing the number of rounds" " or give a longer Chain (curent length = {1}).".format( smoothing_level, len(cas_coords) ) ) return s_primitive
[docs]def make_primitive_extrapolate_ends(cas_coords, smoothing_level=2): """Generates smoothed helix primitives and extrapolates lost ends. Notes ----- From an input list of CA coordinates, the running average is calculated to form a primitive. The smoothing_level dictates how many times to calculate the running average. A higher smoothing_level generates a 'smoother' primitive - i.e. the points on the primitive more closely fit a smooth curve in R^3. Each time the smoothing level is increased by 1, a point is lost from either end of the primitive. To correct for this, the primitive is extrapolated at the ends to approximate the lost values. There is a trade-off then between the smoothness of the primitive and its accuracy at the ends. Parameters ---------- cas_coords : list(numpy.array or float or tuple) Each element of the list must have length 3. smoothing_level : int Number of times to run the averaging. Returns ------- final_primitive : list(numpy.array) Each array has length 3. """ try: smoothed_primitive = make_primitive_smoothed( cas_coords, smoothing_level=smoothing_level ) except ValueError: smoothed_primitive = make_primitive_smoothed( cas_coords, smoothing_level=smoothing_level - 1 ) # if returned smoothed primitive is too short, lower the smoothing # level and try again. if len(smoothed_primitive) < 3: smoothed_primitive = make_primitive_smoothed( cas_coords, smoothing_level=smoothing_level - 1 ) final_primitive = [] for ca in cas_coords: prim_dists = [distance(ca, p) for p in smoothed_primitive] closest_indices = sorted( [x[0] for x in sorted(enumerate(prim_dists), key=lambda k: k[1])[:3]] ) a, b, c = [smoothed_primitive[x] for x in closest_indices] ab_foot = find_foot(a, b, ca) bc_foot = find_foot(b, c, ca) ca_foot = (ab_foot + bc_foot) / 2 final_primitive.append(ca_foot) return final_primitive
__author__ = ( "Jack W. Heal, Christopher W. Wood, Gail J. Bartlett, " "Derek N. Woolfson, Kieran L. Hudson" )