Source code for ampal.align

"""A module containing classes for aligning structure."""

import copy
import math
import random
import sys
from typing import List, Optional

import numpy

from .geometry import unit_vector
from .protein import Polypeptide

[docs]def align_backbones(reference, mobile, stop_when=None, verbose=False): mobile = copy.deepcopy(mobile) initial_trans = reference.centre_of_mass - mobile.centre_of_mass mobile.translate(initial_trans) fitter = MMCAlign(_align_eval, [reference], mobile) fitter.start_optimisation( 500, 10, 1, temp=100, stop_when=stop_when, verbose=verbose ) return fitter.best_energy
def _align_eval(loop, reference): return loop.rmsd(reference, backbone=True)
[docs]class MMCAlign: """A alignment protocol that uses Metropolis Monte Carlo. Notes ----- THIS IS CURRENTLY SUPER INEFFICIENT DUE TO THE DEEPCOPIES. I plan to improve this by aligning arrays of atoms and only recording the rotation and translation that led to that alignment. Parameters ---------- eval_fn : Polypeptide -> float A function to evaluate the quality of your fit. eval_args : list A list of static args to be used in the `eval_fn`, these will be unpacked into the evaluation function _i.e._ `eval_fn(polypeptide, *eval_args). polypeptide : Polypeptide An ampal polypeptide containing the model to be aligned. """ def __init__( self, eval_fn, eval_args: Optional[list], polypeptide: Polypeptide ) -> None: self.eval_fn = eval_fn if eval_args is None: self.eval_args: List = [] else: self.eval_args = eval_args self.current_energy = None self.best_energy = None self.best_model = None self.polypeptide = polypeptide
[docs] def start_optimisation( self, rounds: int, max_angle: float, max_distance: float, temp: float = 298.15, stop_when=None, verbose=None, ): """Starts the loop fitting protocol. Parameters ---------- rounds : int The number of Monte Carlo moves to be evaluated. max_angle : float The maximum variation in rotation that can moved per step. max_distance : float The maximum distance the can be moved per step. temp : float, optional Temperature used during fitting process. stop_when : float, optional Stops fitting when energy is less than or equal to this value. """ self._generate_initial_score() self._mmc_loop( rounds, max_angle, max_distance, temp=temp, stop_when=stop_when, verbose=verbose, ) return
def _generate_initial_score(self): """Runs the evaluation function for the initial pose.""" self.current_energy = self.eval_fn(self.polypeptide, *self.eval_args) self.best_energy = copy.deepcopy(self.current_energy) self.best_model = copy.deepcopy(self.polypeptide) return def _mmc_loop( self, rounds, max_angle, max_distance, temp=298.15, stop_when=None, verbose=True ): """The main Metropolis Monte Carlo loop.""" current_round = 0 while current_round < rounds: working_model = copy.deepcopy(self.polypeptide) random_vector = unit_vector(numpy.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=3)) mode = random.choice(["rotate", "rotate", "rotate", "translate"]) if mode == "rotate": random_angle = numpy.random.rand() * max_angle working_model.rotate( random_angle, random_vector, working_model.centre_of_mass ) else: random_translation = random_vector * ( numpy.random.rand() * max_distance ) working_model.translate(random_translation) proposed_energy = self.eval_fn(working_model, *self.eval_args) move_accepted = self.check_move( proposed_energy, self.current_energy, t=temp ) if move_accepted: self.current_energy = proposed_energy if self.current_energy < self.best_energy: self.polypeptide = working_model self.best_energy = copy.deepcopy(self.current_energy) self.best_model = copy.deepcopy(working_model) if verbose: sys.stdout.write( "\rRound: {}, Current RMSD: {}, Proposed RMSD: {} " "(best {}), {}. ".format( current_round, self.float_f(self.current_energy), self.float_f(proposed_energy), self.float_f(self.best_energy), "ACCEPTED" if move_accepted else "DECLINED", ) ) sys.stdout.flush() current_round += 1 if stop_when: if self.best_energy <= stop_when: break return
[docs] @staticmethod def float_f(f): """Formats a float for printing to std out.""" return "{:.2f}".format(f)
[docs] @staticmethod def check_move(new, old, t): """Determines if a model will be accepted.""" if (t <= 0) or numpy.isclose(t, 0.0): return False K_BOLTZ = 1.9872041e-003 # kcal/mol.K if new < old: return True else: move_prob = math.exp(-(new - old) / (K_BOLTZ * t)) if move_prob > random.uniform(0, 1): return True return False
__author__ = "Christopher W. Wood"